/Many years ago the Financial Times of London ran a competition. The task was to complete the sentence:
“My son, an actuary is . . . ”
First prize was a case of champagne.
Unsurprisingly many of the best entries came from actuaries or accountants. Some were so good that the FT decided to award three prizes.
Third prize went to:
“My son, an actuary is a man who found accountancy too exciting.”
Second prize went to:
“My son, an actuary is a cross between an undertaker and a bookie.”
But the clear winner was:
“My son, an actuary is a man who likes you to arrive dead on time.”
Who said that accountants have no sense of humour?
Drilling an exploration well is always a tense time for those involved in it, even the lawyers and contracts specialists whose contribution is usually finished before the well is begun. . .