/I was at an industry social event talking to an acquaintance about the Middle East. He is an experienced and well-regarded lawyer.
I said that, in my opinion, it was easier for a religious person to do business in the Arab world than an atheist. He replied that I was “certifiably insane”.
Surprised by the ferocity of his response, I tried to lighten the conversation. I said that, although I was certainly insane, I did not think it would not be easy to find a doctor to certify that I was.
I had not been speaking out of religious or even commercial conviction, only from experience. The Arabs take their religion seriously. If you get to know them they are likely to ask you what your beliefs are.
The Arabs I have been close to have no problems with those of a different religion. After all, they consider Christ to be a prophet. But they do have problems with atheists. As one Arab friend said to me: “how can I trust the word of a man who believes in nothing?”
Drilling an exploration well is always a tense time for those involved in it, even the lawyers and contracts specialists whose contribution is usually finished before the well is begun. . .